We envision a world where the communities take the lead in creating their own future.
SOKAAB is the first Somali based crowdfunding platform for organisations and individuals that aim to support communities and youth initiatives across the Somali regions.
The platform has been built in partnership with Danish Refugee Council (DRC), an international non-governmental organization working in more than 30 countries throughout the world, and has been made possible with funding from the Somali Stability Fund, a multi-donor fund with a stabilisation and conflict prevention mandate.
Through crowdfunding initiatives, the community will be able to channel their collective efforts to realize common projects that matter to Somalis. For too long, decisions on what gets to be funded has been taken by everyone except the communities most affected by this decision.
We aspire to empower the community by letting them create positive changes in their communities and to create opportunities for themselves, but this cannot be achieved without you.
That’s why we bring you along this journey to make a change with us. Whether is the construction of a new water point so that the community can have access to clean water to drink, or a new school so that their children can get education to escape for the trap of poverty, or a new road between districts to enhance trade and security, we will decide together.
Working close with our partners we work on a case by case basis on every project to ensure that there is a real need We make sure that funds are used appropriately so we can maximize the success in every community and for each individual.
Our aim is to ensure that only viable projects are endorsed on our platform through an appraisal panel who is accountable and transparent. We will ensure that we meet our targets by providing support and training to each community that wants to use our platform.
Through our partner organizations we go above and beyond when it comes to uplifting projects by providing matching funds. With financial support from SSF, DRC and Shaqadoon are currently implementing a programme, called DIALOGUE, whose aim is to support “better functioning, more accountable and responsive government institutions in Somalia,” The DIALOGUE programme entails a funding scheme that will match resources mobilized by either district authorities or communities. (Matching contributions from the DIALOGUE programme are higher for district-level projects, and lower for village-level projects in order to encourage across-community collaboration.) Currently the DIALOGUE progreamme is currently operating only in Gedo, which means that SOKAAB partner organizations will be able only to match contributions and donations to community and district projects in Gedo. However, the DIALOGUE programme is committed to expand its reach to other regions of Somalia.
Our mission
Inspire change by empowering community and individuals to take initiatives, collaborate among themselves and build trust.
Our core values
Empowerment; Integrity; Collaboration; Equality; Transparency; Accountability.