Strengthening Education and Access to Safe Water for Luglow Settlement

  • Luglow Village, Kismaayo District

raised of $5,000 goal
Days Remaining
Minimum amount is $100 Maximum amount is $50000
Created by: STEP PROJECT with Luglow community
Supported by: IOM
Projects supported: 43


Through participatory community consultation sessions, the Luglow village people developed a community driven response to the need of additional of three classrooms, and water barkard for Luglow Primary School. This is due to high increase of student enrolment after the construction of classrooms under STEP project, education consultations and need of addressing education gaps within the village and other neighbouring villages that surrounds the Kismayo district. This was as well thought of due to need for more classroom due to gaps of student continuation of primary upper classroom and need for water storage due to lack of access to clean and safe water for the school. The CBEP process is an action that generated dialogue at Kismayo district and village levels to build momentum behind common goals for their district level education that was narrowed down to community level.

Luglow village is a settlement that is 20km north of Kismayo that was formed by IDP communities in 2017 who arrived in Kismayo district due to the severe drought and armed conflicts that had hit Somalia. There are other families from this settlement that have joined other existing IDP camps within Kismayo town and some were host communities stretching existing social services beyond capacity along the Kismayo corridor. Recently a huge number of IDPs came to settle the village.

The settlement showed great interest in participating in the community-based education project planning and matching grant sessions through the USAID funded Stabilization Through Education Program (STEP) implemented by the International Organization for Migration, and in partnership with Creative Associate’s Bar ama Baro program. STEP aims to strengthen the government-led, community-driven expansion of access to quality education for out-of-school children and youth to build local institutions. The CBEP includes supporting the communities, through Community Education Committees (CECs) in mobilizing for resources for priorities identified. The community prioritized piloting the matching grants

The indigenous of Luglow have shown great interest in participating in the community-based education project planning and matching grant sessions through the USAID funded Stabilization Through Education Program (STEP) implemented by the International Organization for Migration, and in partnership with Creative Associate’s Bar ama Baro program. STEP aims to strengthen the government-led, community-driven expansion of access to quality education for out-of-school children and youth to build local institutions. The CBEP includes supporting the communities, through Community Education Committees (CECs) in mobilizing for resources for priorities identified.

The settlement has no previous experience in initiating, co-financing, or directly financing projects and this is the first time this is being piloted in the town. The community prioritized piloting the matching grants of additional three classroom and water barkard to store clean water for the student use to ensure good practise of hygiene through handwashing and safe water for drinking. The matching grant ratio will be 1:8 The community contribution is expected to be $5,000 with the project matching $40,000. Hence the total cost of the community project will be $45,000.

Much appreciation for contributing towards building the educational foundations of Luglow settlement school going children through the addition of 3classroom and water barkard this will enable IDP and host community to further have access of education and clean safe water despite the harsh condition of drought and living condition associated with climate change.

Map Data
Map data ©2019 AfriGIS (Pty) Ltd, Google, Inst. Geogr. Nacional, Mapa GISrael, ORION-ME
Map DataMap data ©2019 AfriGIS (Pty) Ltd, Google, Inst. Geogr. Nacional, Mapa GISrael, ORION-ME
Map data ©2019 AfriGIS (Pty) Ltd, Google, Inst. Geogr. Nacional, Mapa GISrael, ORION-ME
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