Building Miradhisley Health post

Building communities

  • Miradhisley, Luuq District

raised of $2,401 goal
Days Remaining
Minimum amount is $100 Maximum amount is $50000
Created by: Miradhisley
Supported by: DRC
Projects supported: 59
Somali people have known malaria for centuries, especially in the central and southern part of the country. In fact the Somali town of Buale is so named because many people from that area used to have a ‘big belly’: a condition associated with chronic malaria caused by ‘splenomegaly’ (an enlarged spleen). Miraddisley, 8km to the north of Luuq town and hosting a community of more than 80 households, is among the riverine communities and flood prone areas with a frequent malaria outbreak. In this village, hundreds of the residents died due to Malaria and deadly snake bites in the past. Though mosquito-nets have always been commercially available, at $4 each, few could afford them. In addition to this, people are also facing the risk like the harmful bites of copra which if not immediately treated can lead to death. After several initiatives of establishing health center, the community finally learned the DIALOGUE project. The DIALOGUE project is a resource mobilization initiative by DRC that contributes 50% of the total cost of community and public project to create trust between Somali people and their government in the management of their own development. The community members are now enthusiastic about establishing the long dreamt basic health care center composed of three rooms ( two patient rooms and one drug store) with veranda and toilet.

Map Data
Map data ©2019 AfriGIS (Pty) Ltd, Google, Inst. Geogr. Nacional, Mapa GISrael, ORION-ME
Map DataMap data ©2019 AfriGIS (Pty) Ltd, Google, Inst. Geogr. Nacional, Mapa GISrael, ORION-ME
Map data ©2019 AfriGIS (Pty) Ltd, Google, Inst. Geogr. Nacional, Mapa GISrael, ORION-ME
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